Saturday, December 22, 2007

cute little girls and puppies painting

Heres three guache paintings i did last night (my idea of a great friday night, stayin in drikin a bottle of wine and painting!). I framed them and will give them to my little cousins for christmas. Im sure they will like them, however the one with the all white scotty dog is the only one of the three i am feelin. Figured Id post all 3 though. 1 outta 3 aint bad.
This is great practice for the buisiness that I am launching febuary 2009, which will involve guache illusrations of dogs and people.

happy hollidays!


neven said...

awesome stuff dude!

fdsayre said...

Hey man, totally loving your stuff. Found it via richard B in Vancouver, a mutual friend. Keep posting please, because I'm adding this to my blogroll.

Joy Weight said...

Hey Jesse, The "girls" LOVED them and still have them posted! You are the best, cuz!

San Jose Waterproofing said...

I enjoyed readingg this